Monday, March 23, 2009

Not yet...

We expected to get a BFP this time...even though it's the first month without my Mirena. I *did* ovulate based on my BBT chart. However, we believe my body could be off right now due to the sudden drop in hormones without the Mirena. My period (I know, I know, tmi) was supposed to start on Wednesday the 25th of March. But, AF decided to rear her ugly head early...on Saturday the 21st. At first, I thought I was experiencing implanation bleeding on Friday the 20th. We had been out all day with the kids at Incredible Pizza, with some of Preston's co-workers and their families. I got home and had what I believed was a spot of implanation. You ladies know what I am talking about. So needless to say, I got all excited. My temps were still high as they should be until either they drop due to AF starting, or they stay high because your pregnant. Well, I woke up Saturday morning and was bleeding like a slaughtered pig. How nice huh? We aren't disappointed as we knew coming off of birth control, it may not happen right away. Also, being in the middle of planning a wedding, with no's probably best. The most fun is practicing making a baby anyway, right? LOL. We aren't preventing getting pregnant because of the wedding though. We just have to plan it so that whenever we decide to get married, my dress will still it before or after a baby. I'm sure it will be before though...probably this summer. So anyways....that's the scoop. There is always next month. Stay tuned...